
Klinik Adresi

Nispetiye Caddesi Bıyıklı Mehmet Paşa Sokak No: 30, 34337, Etiler / İSTANBUL


+90 212 257 80 00



Klinik Adresi

Nispetiye Caddesi Bıyıklı Mehmet Paşa Sokak No: 30, 34337, Etiler / İSTANBUL


+90 212 257 80 00



Within the course of aging, facial structures and volume tend to shift downwards.

This is due to the deformities in facial skeleton and soft tissues, loss of soft tissue support, and cumulative effect of gravity. This shift mostly affects the tissue layer beneath the facial skin, which contains fatty tissue, some ligaments and mimic muscles. The changes in this layer lead to deepening of some previously existing lines, and distortion of facial contours, jawlines and neck contours. With the addition of fine wrinkles and superficial skin irregularities, the “old” looking face effect becomes inevitable.

The aging face is rejuvenated by dealing with each deformity separately, and finding specific solutions for every single component of the problem. Modern face lifting techniques aim to reposition the facial anatomic structures to their original (youth) positions, rather than just tightening the facial skin. An incision which is located just anterior to the ear and sometimes extends behind the earlobe is used for exposure to these anatomic structures. This incision is almost invisible in the long term. In the post-operative period, the swelling and bruising of the face will heal in a week, and the patient can return to daily social life. The results will start to settle within a few months.

Face-lifting is generally performed in combination with eyelid correction (blepharoplasty). Complementary interventions like botox, injectible fillers, fat injections and laser resurfacing will contribute to the quality of the results. In all of these applications, the main goal is to restore youth without loosing naturality.

The Ultimate Guide to Facelift Surgery: Understanding Procedures, Benefits, and Recovery


As medically called rhytidectomy, the facelift surgery is a cosmetic procedure which has a goal to improve the tightness around the jawline, neck, jowls, cheeks. The facelift procedure is performed to remove the excess facial skin by typically involving the removal of excess facial skin and is often combined with other procedures such as eyelid surgery or a brow lift to enhance the overall glow effect.

The goal of a facelift surgery is to end up with a more younger looking facial appearance by minimizing skin sagginess, getting rid of wrinkles, and tightening loose skin around the jowls, jawline and the underlying tissues, and also it helps redraping the skin on the face and neck. This procedure does not change the patient’s appearance completely however, it helps giving a youthful glow as it improves signs of aging and helps getting rid of loose skin around the face. The facelift surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

Apart from improving their appearance, facelifts increase one’s self-confidence as well. The facelift surgery has always been a real solution for the patients who lack

confidence and who has a desire to erase signs of aging. This procedure not only boosts confidence, but it also affects one’s lifestyle. This procedure can only bring success if one really understands its risks and expects realistic outcomes. First of all, it is important that we unpack what a facelift involves, which techniques are being used, how the surgery is applied, its complications, recovery process, as well as results afterwards.


Candidate, Types of Facelift Surgery

The Goals and Benefits of Facelift Surgery

The general benefits and objectives of a facelift include:

-Defining the jawline in a much better way.

-Correction of the presence of jowls and improving overall profile look.

-Lifting of the sagging tissue around the neck and rejuvenation of the platysma muscle

-Rebuilding or regaining volume loss around the nasolabials.

-Loss of volume around cheeks.

-The correction and re-positioning of the skin bulging around the neck

-Restoration of muscle tone.

The journey of having a facelift surgery is not just about changing one’s physical appearance, but its about gaining back confidence. The psychological benefits can be as profound as the physical transformation.

EVALUATING YOUR SUITABILITY FOR A FACELIFT: Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift Surgery?

A patient with skin elasticity to some extent in areas that require tightening is usually an ideal candidate for a facelift. Potential patients should be healthy individuals, who do not smoke aggresively and understand what is expected from them after the

operation. However, there is no clear cut boundary when it comes to age, patients who are generally around their mid 40s to 65 tend to go though a facelift surgery. But of course, it is necessary for each patient, to be levaluated individually, because each face is unique, with regard to his/her particular skin condition and specific age-related alteration/s.

Here are some key characteristics of good candidates:

Healthy Individuals Without Medical Conditions That Impair Healing: The candidates should be fit. Healing conditions should be well-checked, and surgery conditions should also be favorable, not increasing the risks of surgery. Such examples of chronic diseases as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiac dysfunction might prevent the patient from having a facelift surgery, that is why a the surgeon should run a detailed health test before the surgery.

Non-smokers or Those Willing to Quit/Reduce: Smoking may also complicate the recovery period, and it makes surgeries dangerous for patients at the time and in future as well. It would be best if candidates should not smoke at all or are ready to stop/reduce smoking months before as well as after the procedure.

Realistic Expectations: It goes without saying that a good candidate knows what facial surgery is capable of, as well as its limitations. Facelift helps making sagginess disappear and removes wrinkles. It does not fully transform a person’s look nor does it stop aging. A patient should be well aware of their anatomical structure and what to expect.

Psychological Stability: Mental wellness is crucial. In addition, the candidates should never seek surgery just to fit an ideal image or to satisfy somebody else. The surgery should be performed in the sake of the patient’s own desire just to please him/herself.

Understanding and Acceptance of Risks and Recovery Time: The candidates have to be completely aware of the risks that are involved in the operation, such as scar healing, issues with anesthesia, infection, bleeding. This means that they should equally be prepared for the recovery period, such as swelling, bruises and they should take the time to rest before going back to normal activities.

Age Considerations: Although good age for facelift varies, generally patients between their mid 40s to 65 years tend to have facelit surgeries. Eventhough it is not the most crucial factor, age still holds a little importance, the surgeon should be sure that the issues of aging on that specific patient can satisfactorily be corrected by the facelift operation.


Facelift surgery has wide range of methods and techniques to be applied on each different unique patient. There are many methods to be practiced, this is not a one size fits all

approach. Facelift techniques are mainly categorized under 3 techniques, traditional facelift, high SMAS facelift and Deep Plane facelift.

Traditional Facelift:

A typical facelift targets the external part of the skin. It includes an incision through the hairline towards around the ears. The traditional facelift procedure lifts the SMAS(superficial musculoaponeurotic system) layer that lies under the skin. These incisions aim to relocate and eliminate the extra loose skin in order to reduce the signs of aging, like wrinkling&jowling. Traditional facelift mainly works on the lower part of the face and neck. Downtime is usually about two weeks, depending on the patient and the skin quality.

High SMAS Facelift:

Another technique which is performed for facial rejuvation is called the High SMAS facelift. This method is involves a more expanded dissection of the SMAS layer (superficial musculoaponeurotic system), which goes higher up on the face.

While performing a typical SMAS facelift, the surgeon tightens mostly the jowls, neck and cheeks to some extent. But in High SMAS, the mid facelift is also included, so the surgical area is bigger. The incisions are similar to a classical facelift surgery, they start from the hairline and go along the ears.

The High SMAS facelift helps restoring the mid-face area and it provides a natural&youthful look to the mid and lower face together with nasolabials and jowls. The healing time of this procedure is similar to traditional facelift and the patient can go back to their normal life within 3 weeks.

Deep plane Facelift:

The deep plane facelift technique is the most advanced compared to traditional or high SMAS method. It involves a more complex approach, and here’s why:

During the deep plane facelift procedure, the surgeon goes below the SMAS layer, on the contrary to High SMAS lift and traditional facelift. This makes this technique more advanced. Because, it allows tremendous repositioning of the facial tissue compared to other techniques. The whole facial muscle structure is released and fixed to a more upward lifted area, and yes this process does take place on the superficial skin but also on the underlying deeper layers of the muscle plane. This helps providing a real solution to the facial aging issue at its very core.

That is why, the deep plane facelift technique, is very effective when it comes to correcting severe skin droopiness and looseness together with volume loss around the face&wrinkling.

As deep plane facelift is a extensive procedure, its healing period is also longer compared to other type of lifting treatments. The healing process involves bruising and swelling. The deep plane facelift treatment is a great solution for those who needs an overall rejuvenation for the entire face.

This surgery requires specific skill and experience as this treatment involves correction of a deeper level of facial anatomy and tissues. That is why, preferring a board certified plastic surgeon who has expertise on facial aesthetics is crucial.

Is Deep Plane Lift Technique better than High SMAS?

Selection of the correct technique requires looking into medical background, patient’s preferences, age, skin qualty, examination and of course, the patient should have a detailed consultation with an experienced and skilled surgeon. Here are some key points:

Deep plane facelift targets this sagginess&looseness issue on a much lower level compared to a High SMAS facelift. Yes, the high SMAS facelift approach focuses mainly on the superficial musculoaponeurotic system but, the deep plane technique works with the underlying facial elements as well as the superficial musculoaponeurotic system. And, this helps providing a more natural outcome rather than an over-pulled look.

In general, the deep plane lift has a greater impact and proves effective results in cases of severe wrinkling, looseness and jowling. It is also very efficient when it comes to defining the jawline, neck area, cervico-mental angle and restoring volume loss.


The Crucial Steps in Preparing for a Facelift Surgery

Preparing for a facelift surgery is not an easy process as this is not a very minor procedure. The steps include examination, modifying your medication routine, adapting to the guidelines of the procedure etc… This preparation is crucial to minimize the issues during the healing process to the most when it is encountered. Here is a brief summary of the process:

Initial Consultation with Surgeon: It would be best for the patient to understand how the process will go and what results can he/she expect and which technique will be applied targeting that specific patient’s issues and desires.

Health Evaluation: During the consultation, the patient will inform the surgeon about their health background. The patient’s medical history together with a physical examimation should be performed. If the patient has an illness, this should be discussed with the surgeon to understand if it will prevent the patient from having surgery or not.

Pre-Surgical Testing: The patient will be guided to the hospital to have the health tests done by the hospital. These tests are formed of: complete blood count(cbc), coagulation profile(pt,aptt, INR), basic biochemistry (liver and kidney functions), electrolytes, infectious disease profile(hbs-ag), anti-hcv, anti-hiv.

Consultation with Anesthesiologist: After these tests, the patient will have another consultation with the anesthesiologist and the patient should inform the anesthesiologist about their medical background and if they have any allergies to anesthesia etc.

Lifestyle Changes and Preparations: Smoking affects the healing process of the facelift surgery immensely. It would be best to stop smoking as early from the surgery as possible, also it is important to obey the instructions your surgeon has given you. The patient might need to stop some supplements if they are taking any such as vitamin E, or blood thinning medications which can lead to extreme bleeding during surgery.

Nutritional Preparations: It is important to keep a healthy diet starting a few weeks before the surgery. It would be best to stop drinking green tea or alcoholic beverages 7 days before the surgery.

Arranging for Post-Surgery Care: As facelift surgery is not a very minor procedure, it would be best to have someone supporting you during the acute stage.

Pre-Operative Instructions: It is important to listen to the specific recommendations the surgeon has given you, such as medicine adjustments, what&what not to eat or drink.

-Medications: In this case, one should eliminate medications with enhanced bleeding risk like, aspirin, some herbal remedies, etc.

-Lifestyle: Two to four weeks abstinence with smoking will promote optimal post-operative recovery and eliminate potential complications.

-Nutrition: Eating healthy meals, especially fruits and vegetables, which is vital for the recovery process.

Hydration: Ensure adequate fluid intake before the surgery day.

Planning for Recovery: It is important to make sure that you have a well equipped postop care environment with gauze or icepacks. Also, it is recommended not to drive, but have someone drive you home.


Here are is a guideline of the post surgical process:

Day of Surgery:

The patient should wear zipped tops and baggy clothes. Our driver is going to help you check in to the hospital and the hospital staff will guide you to your room.

Post-Surgical Care:

The patient must show up for their each post op visit. The patient should especially rest the first 3 days after the surgery, no physical activities are allowed until 2 weeks post-op. The patient should listen to the surgeon’s instructions about the scarring and inform him/ her each week until the 1st month post surgery.

Managing Expectations:

The patient should be aware of how tough the healing process can be. The swelling and bruising will dissolve around 1 to 2 months and during that time, the patient is expected to be calm. It is okay to feel overwhelmed during the first few weeks post surgery, the patient should remember that this is all temporary.

Nutrition and Hydration: It is important to stay hydrated after you are allowed to drink water, having light meals will help easing the healing process.

Long-Term Care: The patient has to make sure to stay away from direct sunlight and should apply sunscreen every morning once started going out. Of course staying away from smoking and keeping a healthy diet as much as possible is essential.

GETTING THE BEST FACELIFT SURGEON: Which Plastic Surgeon is the Right One for Your Facelift?

While undergoing a facelift, the patient should be wise and careful while choosing their surgeon. Because, searching for your surgeon is as important as deciding on if this treatment will be right for him/her.

The desired result is achieved only when the surgeon has a harmonious vision who is experienced&skilled enough on this specific topic of facial aesthetics. For that reason, generally, a well-qualified and reputed board certified plastic surgeon is the right way to go.

Before choosing a surgeon, the patient should be well acquainted with some basic information about what to expect in a facelift before discussing in detail with his/her surgeon.

Researching Plastic Surgeons

-Qualifications and Certification: The patient should be sure that their surgeon has a certification from American Board of Plastic Surgery or European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.

-Experience: The patient should prefer a surgeon who does facial plastic surgery operations frequently.

-Before and After Photos: The patient should request before&after photos from the surgeon’s team.

-Patient Reviews: It is also important to do a detailed search online about your surgeon and read other patient’s reviews.


-Initial Consultation: The first meeting is crucial. It is important have good vibes with the surgeon, listen to the surgeon’s communication style, whether it is easy for you to talk with him/her. Go with your gut when it comes to compatibility and make sure you feel safe.

-Expectations: Discuss your aesthetic goals. You require a good surgeon who can define objectives realistically and recommend appropriate procedures that will address a variety of issues.

-Techniques Used: Ask your surgeon how it works and why they employ that specific method.

Post-op Care and Follow up

-Follow-up Care: It is recommended to have a structured schedule for the follow-up visits and assistance in the post-op period.

Questions to Ask Your Surgeon Before Having a Facelift Surgery:

Here are some essential questions to ask your surgeon before undergoing a facelift:

Which particular kind of facelift will be best suited for me, and what makes it stand out? How many facelift operations do you carry out each year?

What is entailed in the process?

What kind of complications can I encounter?

What should I do in order to be ready for the surgery?

How long will it take for my face to completely recover from a facelift surgery? Is there anything special, including restriction, in the recovery process?

What kind of outcome should I expect realistically after my facelift surgery?

What should be considered when determining a suitable face lift option for a particular person?

What can I do to improve results? Can I also add eyelid surgery or temple lift? Is there a way to contact you if I have any worries or issues after surgery?

What am I supposed to do in order to ensure that the effects of the facelift remain?


The surgical procedure involves several key steps:

Anesthesia: The procedure normally starts by administering anesthesia. The patient will be put to sleep during the surgery. The facelift surgery takes around 5 hours.

Making the Incisions: The first step involves making incisions. Typically, these incisions start behind the ears in the lower portion of the scalp, proceed along the head’s front near the ears. The aim is to create the incisions as neat as possible.

Skin Lifting and Reshaping: This leads to a process of separation between the skin and the underlying tissues after the cuts are made. During this process, the surgeon can realign&define the deeper layers of the face, work on the underlying muscles to lift it and extract/redistribute the unwanted tissues&fat etc, ending up with a fresher and a rejuvenated look.

Closure of Incisions: The last stage entails closure of the incisions using sutures. This is done very meticulously in order to cause as little scarring as possible and in order to end up with an aesthetic look.

Recovery: After surgery comes the healing process where one experiences swellings and bruises. At this stage, it is important to listen to the surgeon’s instructions about the medication, follow up time and post op care.

Follow-up and Results: Over time, swelling will start to decrease, and the incision lines also will begin to heal. It might take up to six months for the face to completely settle to its new and younger look.

Anesthesia and Safety Measures for a Facelift Surgery:

Anesthesia for Facelift Surgery

Types of Anesthesia:

General Anesthesia: This is what is most typically used for face lifts. The patient is put to sleep and watched over by an anesthesiologist.

Preoperative Evaluation:

Medical History and Tests: It is mandatory for the physician to obtain detailed medical history about allergic reactions, medications used in the past and any prior surgery undergone by the patient before performing a surgery. Anesthesia risks like reactions and respiratory problems are taken into account prior to examination of patients.

Monitoring During Surgery:

These vital signs are formed of heart rates, blood pressures, oxygen saturations, and breathing volumes.The anesthesiologist will monitor the level of anesthesia and provide any treatment for the patient’s altering condition, throughout the course of the surgery.

Safety Measures for Facelift Surgery:

Here are some elements that form a standard safe environment for carrying out a surgical procedure:

-Sterile Operating Environment

-Skilled Surgical Team

-Intraoperative Techniques

-Postoperative Care and Monitoring

Step-by-Step Process

The facelift procedure involves a series of precise steps, starting from the initial incisions to the delicate reshaping of facial tissues. However, in this scenario the most crucial matter is not just the skills of the surgeon, but their artistic perception – the imagination and capacity of creating an elegant look. It involves several steps, divided into pre-operative, operative, and post-operative phases:

Pre-Operative Phase

Consultation and Evaluation: This is the first stage where there is a thorough interview conducted by an experienced plastic surgeon. The surgeon measures the medical history of a patient, skin quality, bones structure, and specific aging conditions in order to choose the best surgical procedure.

Physical Examination and Laboratory Tests: A complete physical assessment is done which involves blood tests and other necessary examinations to make sure that patient is ready for the operation.

Discussion of Expectations and Risks: Prior to a surgery, the surgeon informs the patient about the possible benefits, associated risks&complications, and constraints.

Preparation Guidelines: The surgeon instructs the patient about eating, drinking, smoking, and so on.

Operation Phase

Anesthesia: A facelift surgery usually needs to be performed under general anesthesia. Incision: The type of incision will be determined by the technique involved in an operation and the facial anatomy of a patient.

Lifting and Redraping: The surgeon will lift and reposition the deeper layers in the face, and eliminate extra skin.

Closing Incisions: The incisions are closed carefully in order to minimize visible scarring.

Post-Operative Phase

Immediate Recovery: Patients will stay in the hospital for 2 nights after the facelift sugery. Home Recovery: The patients go home/hotel after the surgery, they are given guidelines and specific instructions about medications, and when their next follow up appointment will be.

Swelling and Bruising Management: The facelift surgery process involves swelling, bruising which improves over a period of few weeks to months and the patient should be well informed about this.

Long-Term Care: This involves wearing protection against the sun for long-term care as well as preserving a healthier way of life to sustain those results.


Week 1: Immediate Postoperative Period

Day 1 (Surgery Day): The recovery begins in a post-anesthesia care unit where vital checks, pain assessments, and surveillance of complications are monitored. Pain management starts here.

Days 2-3: Patients can be discharged depending on the nature of the surgeries. Pain can be controlled by use of drugs while mobility is usually encouraged a couple of hours after surgery due to risk factors like blood clot.

Days 4-7: During this time, the patient will rest at home/hotel. He or she needs to be advised about limited activities.

Week 2-4: Early Recovery

Week 2: Following major surgery, patients normally undergo follow up checks with the surgeons to monitor the body’s healing rate. The patient can start to go back to work and daily routine. The swelling will start to decrease, most of the bruising will be gone.

Week 4: As tolerated, gradual increase in activities is possible. However, the patient shouldn’t force themselves for aggressive exercises.

Week 4-8: Continued Recovery

Week 4-8: In this phase, the bruising will be completely gone and most of the swelling will also subside. Although more physical activities like cardio are allowed, however more aggressive exercises like heavy lifting is still restricted.

Week 9-12: Late Recovery Phase

Week 9-12: Heavy lifting, cycling, tennis, swimming are allowed during this stage after facelift surgery. Healing period is almost complete however it will still slowly continue.

Key Points Throughout Recovery

Pain Management: Continuously important. The pain should reduce gradually with any sharp rise of being reported directly to a medical practitioner.

Watch for Complications: Any signs of infections, abnormal swelling or any other concern should be reported to your surgeon.

Nutrition and Hydration: Essential for healing. It is important that the patient has a healthy diet, drink enough water, etc.

Mental Health: Frustration, boredom and even depression are common when recovering from sickness. Just like the body, mental health is also very important.


Although the facelift surgery has numerous advantages, just like any other surgical intervention, facelift comes with risks and complications as well. Here is a list of the complications that might occur after a facelift surgery:

Scarring: As facelift is a tissue&skin lifting procedure, of course it has visible scarring; however, they tend to be hidden behind and around the ears. It is essential to stick to the surgeon’s post-operative care regimen like staying away from sun exposure and smoking so that scars can be less visible.

Nerve Injury: The consequence includes muscle paralysis with potential nerve damage for a temporary or permanent duration of time. However, experienced surgeons apply certain techniques in an effort to prevent it.

Hematoma: Hematomas, are accumulations of blood below the skin which may need evacuation. To minimize such risk follow your surgeon’s instructions on drugs and activities for immediate post-surgery days.

Infection: Although rare, infections can occur. To avoid this, the surgery room has to be sterilized. Theoretically, there is always an infection risk and to be on the safe side, it is crucial to use antibiotics during and after the operation. This way, the surgeon can manage to have a zero percent of infection rate.

Anesthesia Complications: When it comes to surgical procedures that involve use of anaesthetic, they always come along with the risks. As the patient will go through special health tests, the anesthesiologist and the surgeon will get to analyze the patient’s medical history in detail and cancel the surgery if there are any risks involved which can jeopardize the patient’s health.

Skin Loss: Necrosis or loss of skin can occur at times in a smoker. Therefore, surgeons always encourage their patients to quit smoking before the operation.

Asymmetry: While at times, the healing may come with some degree of asymmetry. This is due to the anatomical structure of that specific patient’s face, for example, if one cheek is higher than the other, eventhough the asymmetry will improve, one cheek might still continue to be just slightly higher than the other.

Dissatisfaction with Results: In order to prevent dissatisfaction with facelift results, extensive pre-surgery consultations and realistic anticipation about the outcome help overcoming this problem.

Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism: Although rare and serious, these can occur. To that end, surgeons refers to early mobilization even at times they can also use blood thinners after operation.

To minimize these risks, it is crucial to:

-Choose a board certified qualified plastic surgeon who has expertise in facial aesthetics.

-Follow pre and post-operative instructions.

-Maintain open communication with your surgeon.

-Have realistic expectations about the outcome.


In the field of plastic surgery, Turkey is developing a reputation for fine healthcare services, therefore, it has many advantages. Most Turkish surgeons are well-trained, experienced and have even achieved international recognition. Also, Turkish medical facilities are usually well-equipped and hold up to international standards. It is important to make sure which clinic you prefer works with a well-equipped and a safe hospital.

Despite these advantages, it’s important to consider such factors and do a thorough research:

-It is important to check and make sure the facility is accredited, and that surgeons are highly qualified with experience in facial aesthetic procedures.

-During the consultation, it is very important to discuss the surgical procedure in

detail. Every surgical operation has possible complications, and it is important to be aware of such things. Before travelling, it will be wise to get the surgeon’s comments through an online evaluation about the patient’s own specific case, in order to have an idea about what needs to be done.

-It is important to communicate clearly with the surgeon about what the patient’s expectations are. Before travelling, they shouldn’t hesitate getting in touch with the surgeon’s team, asking them questions about the process flow.

-It will be wise to have a bit of a flexible budget because the patient’s stay might need to be longer and or change of treatment might be considered. However, the patient should discuss the range of budget with the surgeon’s team of contact before coming to Turkey for the facelift surgery.

-The patient needs to know how much time they need to recover and make sure there is a comfortable place for that. Postoperative facilities and support must be taken into consideration.

-The patient should clarify the process of post-operative care like how many follow up visits to have etc.

It is important to remember, above cost, comes health, safety and quality.


Can Facial Exercises Work as Well as a Facelift?:

Such as lines, wrinkles and sagging skin are not eliminated by facial exercises. Facelift, or some other less invasive options, are the answers to these issues. If a patient is asking for a real solution, he/she should have a real treatment involved.

How Do I Know if It’s the Right Time for a Facelift? The Right Age For Facelift:

The determining factors are quite subjective for when a person should decide to get a face lift. However, at this stage there will be sagging skin, deep lines and creases which are seen as the signs of aging. If such conditions are persistent, then you may need a facelift or one of the other less invasive lifting procedures. Age limit does not really exist, provided if the patient is healthy in general.

What’s Recovery of a Facelift Procedure Like?:

Healing normally occurs approximately around 2 weeks, and you have the sutures taken out after a week has passed. It is usual for most patients to go back to work and their daily routines about two weeks after surgery has been carried out.

How Long Will Facelift Results Last? Is Facelift Surgery Permanent?:

The Facelift surgery results last around 10 years. However, the sustainability of the outcome of a facelift surgery is different for each patient. On the other hand, applying sunscreen, eating well, and using right skin care products will lengthen its effects.

What Should I Look for in a Facelift Plastic Surgeon?:

It is important to go with an experienced and board certified plastic surgeon specializing in face lifts and other facial operations who has for example, European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Certification.

Who is a Good Candidate for a Facelift?:

The ideal candidates are in their mid-forties to early sixties in perfect health. The facelift surgery needs to be tailored according to age, body shape, skin type and other factors that affect the treatment results.

What Kind of Facelift is Best?:

Each individual requires a different type of facelift. The best type should be discussed with an experienced plastic surgeon so that it should correspond to that patient’s condition and outcome objectives. But, deep plane facelift surgery results seem to give the most natural and powerful results.

How Long Does the Surgery Take, and What is the Recovery Time?:

Recovery also takes a shorter duration depending on the magnitude of the surgery. A full facelift surgery could last for about five hours and take around fourteen days to heal, whereas a brow lift surgery lasts around 2 hours and takes 10 days to heal.

What are the Risks?:

Like any elective surgery, facelifts are generally safe if performed by an experienced surgeon. However, it has its own risks such as infection or a blood clot with secondary hematoma formation.

How Will I Look Different After a Facelift?:

Right after a facelift surgery, the face will be swelled and bruised. However, after 1 month most of the swelling will subside, the results will start to settle from the 2nd month to 6th. After 3 months post facelift surgery, the face will start looking refreshed.

Is It Okay to Fly After a Facelift Surgery?:

Yes, it is okay to fly 10 days after a facelift surgery.

When Can I Wear Make up After a Facelift Surgery?

From the 3rd week on after a facelift surgery, patients can wear make up.

Does the Facelift surgery Lift the Neck?:

Generally, the facelift surgery is combined with a neck lift so that the overall facial look is restored and improved.

Does Facelift Surgery Help Getting Rid of Wrinkles?:

Depending on what type of wrinkles, facelift does work well on deep wrinkling around nasolabials and jawline and around the eyes to some extent. Patients tend to keep getting botox around the forehead mostly for fine wrinkles after their facelift surgery. Because facelift surgery doesn’t have an effect on the forehead.

What is the Difference Between Deep Plane Facelift and Endoscopic Facelift?:

Both types of facelift are performed through completely different techniques. Deep plane facelift is an open surgery, whereas endoscopic facelift is a closed surgery performed by an endoscope device. The endoscopic facelift surgical areas are mid face and the brows, whereas deep plane facelift’s surgical areas are mid face, jawline and neck. Endoscopic facelift is performed on younger patients who are around their mid 30s to 45. But, deep plane facelift surgery is generally preferred by patients who are around their mid 40s to 60s.

When Will the Facelift Results Look Natural?:

From the 3rd month post op, the facelift results will start to look natural. But, one needs to be patient and calm for the healing to be completed and it will take a bit more time.

Where Will the Scars Be After a Facelift Surgery?:

The facelift scars will be around the ears.

When Can I Sleep on my Side After a Facelift Surgery?

The patient can start sleeping on the side 3 weeks post facelift surgery.

Should I Massage My Face After a Facelift Surgery?

After 1 month post surgery, the patient can gently apply a facial massage in order to accelerate blood circulation around the face.

How Long Should I Keep the Facial Compression Garment on?:

The garment should stay on about 2 weeks. All bandages will be removed from the 2nd week on. This garment is put on to prevent the face from swelling as much as possible.

When Can I Wash My Hair After a Facelift Surgery?:

From the 3rd post-op day, you can wash your hair or go to a hairdresser to get it washed. It is important to protect your face from water.

What Can you Eat After a Facelift Surgery?:

There is no restricton about what to eat post facelift surgery. However, it will be good for your healing to try to eat as much healthy food as possible.