
Klinik Adresi

Nispetiye Caddesi Bıyıklı Mehmet Paşa Sokak No: 30, 34337, Etiler / İSTANBUL


+90 212 257 80 00



Klinik Adresi

Nispetiye Caddesi Bıyıklı Mehmet Paşa Sokak No: 30, 34337, Etiler / İSTANBUL


+90 212 257 80 00



Introduction to Temple/Brow Lift Surgery
The temple/brow lift procedure helps lifting the upper part of the face. When the upper part of the
face is lifted, the whole face looks more glowy and less tired. Droopy brows can create an
exhausted look for the face. In order to reduce the signs of aging, brow/temple lift can be a

What is a Brow Lift?

The brow lift surgery is a more extensive procedure compared to the temple lift. The brow lift can
be seen as a forehead lift surgery because the whole brow area is lifted. This creates a nice glow
effect for the whole upper face. Some patients have a heavy upper face, making them look tired,
this treatment helps lifting the whole upper face.

What is a Temple Lift?

The temple lift procedure is more limited compared to the brow/forehead lift surgery. The temple
lift procedure helps lifting the outer parts of the brow. This reduces the droopiness around the
eyes. This helps giving a more youthful look for the face.

Benefits of a Brow/Temple Lift Surgery:

-Getting rid of droopy looking brows/tired look.
-Smoother/youthfull apperance for the upper face.
-Getting rid of wrinkling around the upper part of the face.

Are you an Ideal Candidate for Brow/Temple Lift Surgery?

If you have:
-Hanging excessive tissue over the eyes,
-Droopy brows,
-Tired look on the upper face,
-Wrinkling around the eyes,

you might be a good candidate for brow/temple lift procedure. If you are planning to have this
procedure performed alone, you should be around your 40s. Because this treatment tend to give
better results for middle aged patients. However, if you are older and have jowling/double chin
and/or saggy lower face/jawline, then this treatment can be also combined with a deep plane
facelift surgery to fully revitalize the face. If you have problems around the lower face, then this
treatment will not be right for you, as this treatment only helps giving a nice natural glow for the
eyes and brows.

Detailed Explanation of Temple Lift Surgery

The temple lift surgery generally focuses on the outer part of the brow, targetting the saggy skin
around the eyes which contributes to the tired look of the face. Once the tail of the brow is lifted, it
creates an immediate natural glow which helps refreshing the upper part of the face.

Incisions: The incisions are hidden in the hairline around the temples.

Technique: This treatment can be performed with or without the endoscope device. The tail of the
brow is positioned and fixed to a higher level creating a more refreshed and youthful apperance.

Detailed Explanation of Brow Lift Surgery

The brow lift surgery which is also called as forehead lift targets lifting the whole brow area, not
just the tail, creating an extensive rejuveation for the whole upper face.

Incisions: The incisions are hidden in the hairline around the temples and the front middle part of
the head.

Technique: This treatment can be performed with or without the endoscope device. The whole
brow tissue is completely released and lifted to create a shorter distance between the forehead
and the brows. From the inner part of the brow to the tail is completely lifted with this procedure.

Preparing for Surgery

Initial consultation
The journey of having a brow/temple lift starts with having a consultation with a board certified
plastic surgeon. Preparing yourself from the very beginning helps ensuring a smoother recovery
process. During the consultation, you will get to discuss your desires with your surgeon and he/
she will be able to determine if your facial anatomy is eligible to have this procedure or not.
Sometimes, what the patient wants might not be what they need.

The surgeon will guide the patient to have realistic expectations about this treatment and the
conversation between the patient and the surgeon should be as transparent as possible. During
the consultation, the patient’s medical background is reviewed and the patient’s goals are
discussed. The surgeon will explain what procedure will be done on the patient in detail and
inform the patient about risk and complications of the surgery.

What Questions to ask your Plastic Surgeon about the Temple/Brow Lift Treatment?

-Where will my scars be? What can I expect about the scar’s visibilty?
-Which technique do you think matches my condition best?
-How long is the recovery period?
-What activities to do/don’t during the acute healing stage?
-When can I return to normal life?
-What are your recommendations for my specific facial features?

Instructions for the Pre-op Phase:

It is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions for preparing yourself for the surgery. For a
smoother recovery, the patient should
-Stop smoking as early as possible. (At least 10 days before the surgery.)
-Stop alcohol intake 1 week before the surgery.
-Stop taking aspirin, other anti-coagulants, herbal supplements as early as possible before the
surgery, as they will increase bleeding causing in a delay of the recovery.
-Eat as healthy as possible 10 days before the surgery for a smoother acute healing period.
-Stop eating and liquid intake 6 hours before the surgery.
-Pack a surgery bag which includes comfortable clothes, passport/ID.
-Try to get a good night sleep 1 day before the surgery.

The Surgical Process for Brow/Temple Lift

The procedure starts with the surgical team preparing you for the surgery like checking vital signs,
inserting the IV. You will see the doctor one last time before the surgery and the surgical area will
be marked.

The temple/brow lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia and one night hospital stay is
required. The anesthesia team introduce themselves to you and they will be inserting the needed
medications for putting you to sleep.

Once you are put to sleep, the incisions for the surgical area will be made. The incisions for the
brow/temple lift surgery are made on the temples(for both temple and brow lift) and the middle
part of the head(for brow lift only). The incisions are hidden within the hairline.

Through the incisions, with or without the help of endoscope, the tissues are lifted, repositioned
and fixed to a higher level. This way, a more youthful look for the face is achieved. During a brow
lift, the forehead area is lifted as a whole, the lifted area is more extensive compared to a temple
lift surgery.

Once the brow/temples are fixed to a higher position, the incisions are closed. The incisions
become almost invisible once the patient hits the 1 year mark. Sometimes, they become almost
invisible less than a year.

As the swelling subsides, we will be able to see the results clearer.

Anesthesia and Safety Measures

Every surgery has its risks, that is why the patient needs to fully grasp what to expect. The more
the patient understands, the smoother recovery they will achieve. It is very important for the
patient understand that they are fully taken care of. The hospital’s environment, patient room and
O.R’s condition play a paramount role during the pre and post op period. Together with the
advanced anesthesia techniques today, patient’s comfort and safety is prioritized. The
anesthesiology team will constantly monitor patient’s vital signs and manage any potential

Recovery Phases of the Temple/Brow Lift Surgeries

Immediate post-op: Right after the surgery, you will stay at the hospital for 1 night. You will have
bandaging around the head. You might experience a slight headache and maybe nausea from the

3rd post op day: You will start to swell a few days after the surgery around the eyes and upper
face mostly. You might also have bruising during the first days. The head should be kept elevated.
1 week: The bruising will turn yellow once we hit the 7 day mark. The swelling will continue to
appear, it might become less around the jaw and lower cheeks. You can return to your daily
routine and can resume easy, light exercises.

2 weeks: The bruising will completely be gone, but the swelling around the eyes will continue. The
brows will still look too lifted. The reason for that is, if the brows are not lifted higher than they are
supposed to, then in time, they will become lower than their new expected position. Tightness
feeling around the upper face might continue.

4 weeks: The brows will start to come down to their naturally lifted position. Most of the facial
swelling will be diminished but it will not be completely gone. You can start doing exercises
however, it would be best to stay away from strenuous activities such as weight lifting.
3 months: The final results will start to show itself. The brows will settle to their new natural

6 months: The results will be settled once the 6th months of healing period is complete. The scars
will almost become invisible.

Tips for a Easier Recovery Process:

-Rest as much as possible during the first week and try to keep the head elevated.
-Stay hydrated and try to eat as healthy as possible.
-No smoking and drinking a while before and after the surgery to ease the recovery process
-Avoid sun exposure as much as possible.

Potential Side Effects After the Surgery

-Swelling and Bruising
-Numbness and Tightness

Other than numbness and swelling, the rest will heal around 10 days maximum. During the acute
healing stage, it is very important to follow your surgeon’s instructions for a smooth recovery.

Risks and Complications for Brow/Temple Lift Surgery

Just like any other surgery, the brow/temple lift has its own risks as well. In order to lower the risks
as much as possible, it is important to work with a board certified facial plastic surgeon. The
patient should be well informed about the possible complications before the surgery.

Common Risks of Brow/Temple Lift Surgery

-Scar Tissue: The scars will be formed in the hairline around the temples. At first, eventhough they
will be hidden, when touched, you can feel them. However, in time, its texture will diminish and
will become almost invisible once 1 year of healing process is completed.

-Asymmetry: During the first few months after the surgery, asymmetry can be encountered, this is
due to uneven swelling. Once the swelling subsides, the asymmetry will keep decreasing. Now,
sometimes perfect symmetry cannot be provided, this is due to the facial anatomy. Each face is
unique and each part of the face and body is different from eachother. This means, both part of
the face is different. So, just like both eyes,cheeks, nostrils being slightly different from each other,
both brows will be slightly different from eachother.

Hair Loss: Permanent or temporary hair loss can be seen around the incision lines, this differs
from patient to patient according to their skin quality.

Hematoma: It is an accumulation of blood right under the skin. Eventhough uncommon, it can
occur and can be removed by draining the blood.

Infection: Theoretically, there is always an infection risk and to be on the safe side, Dr. Kerem
assumes the patient as infected already(even though is not) and uses antibiotics during and after
the operation. This way, Dr. Kerem manages to have a zero percent of infection rate. However,
infection is always one of the complications that can occur in some cases. Following your
surgeon’s instructions about the wound care will also help preventing the risk of infection.

How to Minimize such Risks?

-Choosing a board certified facial plastic surgeon.
-Following given instructions by your surgeon.
-Having realistic expectations.
-Having an open communication with your surgeon and their team.
-Having patience during the whole healing process.
-Informing the surgeon’s team as soon as possible if you have an emergency concern.

Results and Expectations

What to Realisticly Expect from your Temple/Brow lift?

It is important to be fully aware of how the healing process will take place. Until the first month of
the healing process, the swelling is expected. However, the bruising generally subsides around 10
days. Once we hit the 1 month of healing stage, the brows will start to settle to their places and
less swelling will be seen. The healing will still continue as this is not the final result. It will take
around a few more months until we start seeing the final results.
The main reason to perform such surgery is to improve the visible signs of aging such as droopy
brows, tired looking eyes. The results will give a more rested appereance and an elevated brow

Longevity of the Results

The results generally last around 10 years. Of course, obeying the instructions as much as
possible and having a healthy lifestyle extends the lasting period. Each result is unique to each
individual and factors such as age, skin quality, genetics affects the results.

Needless to say, the aging process will continue, however, if one follows a healthy lifestyle and a
skincare regimen, the results will last longer.

In order to have a satisfying outcome, the patient should have realistic expectations, also knowing
how to look after yourself after the surgery has a crucial importance.

How to Choose the Right Surgeon?

While planning your rejuvenation journey of brow/temple lift, the surgeon takes the bigger part. A
talented, board certified plastic surgeon will have an outstanding effect for the recovery period
and the results. Here below are some tips to know while doing your research.

1-Pick a board certified plastic surgeon. (such as; European board certification)
2-Search other patients’ reviews.
3-Request before-after photos of past patients.
4-Do a research on your surgeon’s experience on the specific surgery you are looking for.
How to find the right surgeon for your temple/brow lift surgery?

See below some tips about how to choose the right surgeon:

1-Doing research is crucial.
2-Board certification means the surgeon is devoted to endless learning and committed to excel in
the field they are specializing. So, it is important to find a board certified plastic surgeon.
3-Scheduling several consultations with different plastic surgeons will help you understand the
4-Try to analyze if the surgeon is having an open communication with you or not.

The Journey and the Outcome

The journey starts with research. It is important to pay attention to details while deciding on your
surgeon. An example for this situation would be the before&after photos. While evaluating the
before&after photos, try to notice if both photos have the same angle, no filters, similar lighting.
Because sometimes, the before&after photos can be deceiving.

Once you are sure to proceed with your surgeon, had your consultation, did your research and
discussed your concerns and goals, then comes the procedure…

Having realistic expectations is essential when it comes to having a brow/temple lift surgery. Of
course, the journey itself is not easy, that is why keeping yourself grounded during the whole
process is very important.

However, every patient’s journey is unique, that is why the recovery period will be different from
one another.

During the acute healing process, it is best to stay as positive as possible because it really does
have an effect on the recovery. Mindset is also key during the healing period of brow/temple lift

Frequently Asked Questions About Temple and Brow Lift Surgery

1-Am I a right candidate for a brow/temple lift surgery?

If you feel like, you do need this procedure, the only way to decide this is to have a consultation
with a board certified plastic surgeon. The surgeon will help you understand your anatomical
features and whether or not this will benefit you. However, generally, patients who have droopy
brows and a saggy upper face will be a good candidate for temple/brow lift surgery.

2-What is the difference between a brow and a temple lift?
The temple lift surgery targets the tail of the brows whereas the brow lift helps lifting the mid part
of the brows as well, covering an extended part of the upper face.

3-What is the recovery process like for temple/brow lift surgery?
Eventhough the recovery varies from one another, generally patients can return to their daily
activities within two weeks. Ofcourse, the full healing to take place and the final outcome will take
longer around 3 months. The results may vary but in around 3 months the final outcome will start
to settle.

4-Is temple/brow lift surgery painful?
Generally, patients feel discomfort and soreness rather than pain. The patients can experience
headache and tightness as well.

5-How long does the temple/brow lift surgery last?
Generally the results last around 10 years. This can vary according to their lifestyle, skin quality,
genetics etc…

6-Can a brow/temple lift surgery be combined with other procedures for the face?
Yes, it can be combined. Generally, a brow/temple lift is combined with either a facelift or a mid
facelift or sometimes a neck lift.

7-What are the complications and risks for temple/brow lift surgeries?
Just like in any other surgical treatment, the brow/temple lift surgery has its own risks, such as,
bleeding, numbness, infection.

8-Will there be visible scarring?
The scars will be hidden around the temples and the hairline and in after 1 year of healing
process, they will become a lot less visible.
9-Is there a non-surgical alternative solution if I don’t want to proceed with temple/brow lift?
A non-surgical option can never replace a surgical one, as the results will be temporary.

10-Is the recovery process different for brow and temple lift?
The recovery process for both these treatments is similar. As the brow lift is a more extended
version of the temple lift, the recovery process of brow lift might be a bit longer.

11-How do I choose between a temple lift and a brow lift?
Of course, this decision should be made with your surgeon once he/she gets to evaluate your
facial anatomy closely.

12-What is the best age to have a temple/brow lift surgery?
There is no best age to get this treatment done. As every face is unique and each patient age
differently. Generally, patients in their mid 30s to 40s tend to have this surgery performed.
However, depending on the case, this treatment can be performed on a younger or an older
patient as well.

13-Will I look natural post temple/brow lift surgery?
Of course, the aim is to end up with natural results and with the hands of a skilled, board certified
surgeon, you should have no doubt.

14-What to do if I have concerns about my temple/brow lift results?
You should definetly communicate with your surgeon, because having an open&honest
conversation with your surgeon is always the key. Your surgeon will guide you and discuss
options if needed.

15-Can having complications affect the final result?
The complications rarely affect the final results but they do have an effect on the healing process.
The recovery period will take longer once the patient experiences complications.

16-Will I have pain during temple/brow lift surgery?
As the treatment is performed under general anesthesia and as you will be put to sleep, you will
not feel pain during the surgery.

17-How long is the temple/brow lift surgery?
This surgery generally ranges from 2 to 3 hours.

18-How much is a temple/brow lift surgery?
In our clinic, the temple lift surgery costs 4455 euros, while the brow lift surgery costs 4850 euros.
The fee of temple/brow lift surgery varies within the country it is performed and the hospital the
surgeon proceeds with(the post-operative care is very important), also the surgeon’s skills and
technique adds to the price.

19-What should be included in the quote?
Check with the surgeon’s team about what is included in this price. Make sure that this quote
covers, your hospital night stay, pre-op tests, post-op care and anesthesia.

20-Is choosing a less expensive surgeon a good way to save money?
Absolutely no, because this is your face and you will need it for the rest of your life. It is wiser to
pick quality over price. Going for a less expensive surgeon means picking a less experienced
surgeon, which can increase risk of complications.

As you go through this guide, you will feel as you have the information you need. If you proceed
with a skilled surgeon and prepare yourself to the surgery physically and emotinally, the results
can only be amazing. Yes, this treatment will enhance your outer appereance but it will also help
you feel more confident in your skin.

Taking the next step towards feeling more youthful is powerful and starts with one single step. We
encourage you to reach out to our medical team for more information. We await to help you
achieve your goals with our skilled surgical team.